In case you came here intentionally trying to find one of us, here is some background to make sure you found who you are looking for.
We are Jim and Susan Battle, of Austin, Texas (since 2004), but previously of San Jose, California.
Susan used to be Susan Thomas, of Greenwich, Connecticut, who then went to Rice, who then worked at Compaq, who then moved to California in 1995, who then got married in 1996 and changed her last name. That Susan. By the way, Susan had nothing to do with the design of this web site. If she had done it, it would be much better.
Jim grew up mostly in LaGrange Park, Illinois, went to University of Illinois (1985 BSEE), then headed out West to seek his fortune panning for silicon. He's still a nerd, as the following links will prove, although not enough of a nerd to speak about himself in the third person without some mild discomfort.
This is an emoticon-free site. If you find one, it's double your money back. If something appears to be a bit odd, off, or humorous, it probably is.
In the second half of 2010, I started getting interested in video, more specifically, transferring my family's old 8mm home movies to digital video, and using Avisynth to do some enhancement of the image quality.